鏡頭比較 lenses comparsion: Zeiss Contax Planar 50mm F1.7 AEJ vs. Canon FD 55mm F1.2 S.S.C

Zeiss Contax Planar 50mm F1.7 (left)  
Canon FD 55mm F1.2 S.S.C (right) 

導言 Introduction

本文將比較兩顆在自己的生產系列中皆屬「二線」的標準鏡頭:Zeiss Contax Planar 50mm F1.7  與 Canon FD 55mm F1.2 S.S.C 。其中前者相對於著名的 1.4 版本,無論在價格或現今的二手市場的普及度上都遜色不少,但仍然享有高銳利度的美譽;後者則相對於生產時售價高達14萬日圓的內含非球面鏡版本,是僅需4萬日圓的廉價選擇。

In this article, I will compare 2 "secondary" lens: Zeiss Contax Planar 50mm F1.7  and Canon FD 55mm F1.2 S.S.C . The former is less famous at second-hand market when it comes to F1.4 version. And the later is the much cheaper choice (40000 Yen during 80's) compare to the FD 55 1.2 Aspherical (140000 Yen).


Though not the tough one, both lenses are both very well-built and can provide good image quality. In this article I will compare them by sharpness, color performance, bokeh and my daily usage experience.

(註:本文中的測試皆以Fujifilm X-E1 進行,因此焦段皆需x1.5。另外為了儘量標準化測試條件,鏡頭光圈為1.7 機身設定為:軟片模擬標準、iso自動、快門自動、色溫5300k )

(Note: This lens comparison test is base on Fujifilm X-E1. Thus due the APSC crop sensor, all test images below is at 75mm (for Zeiss 50) / 77.5mm (for Canon 55) focal length. Besides, for the standardization of test outcome,  aperture for both lens were at 1.7, camera setting was fixed at auto iso / auto shutter speed / 5300k color temperature .)

1. 中央銳利度 Central Sharpness

意外的,以銳利見長的Zeiss Planar 50 鏡頭,在表現上卻顯著的不如Canon  55 FD。從下面兩組100%裁切的比較來看,無論是在無限遠或是中距,Zeiss Planar 50 在光圈全開的1.7端畫質皆明顯偏軟。當然1.7的光圈對於Canon 而言是略縮了一級,在這方面可能會有一些優勢。

Suprisely,  Zeiss Planar 50/1.7, a lens which was praised to be the sharpest lens at it's time, show significant rendering and soft image compare at full aperture (f1.7) to Canon FD 55/1.2 at a step down  (f1.7) .

Zeiss Contax Planar 50mm F1.7 (100% crop center)

  Canon FD 55mm F1.2 S.S.C (100% crop center)

值得注意的是,前述比較中主體是在無限遠對焦的位置合焦,但在近/中距的時候, Zeiss Planar 50畫質偏軟和柔化的狀況相對輕微許多,達到與Canon 55 FD差不多的程度。

Another interesting thing is that, the test image above was focusing at infinity.But when focus point come to middle range subjects, Zeiss Planar 50/1.7 has better sharpness performance and less rendering. The result here is quite the same between both lens.

Zeiss Contax Planar 50mm F1.7 (100% crop)

  Canon FD 55mm F1.2 S.S.C (100% crop)

2. 色彩表現 Color Performace

明顯的,Zeiss Planar 50有更為優異的色彩表現,對於色彩細節的呈現遠較Canon 55 FD豐富之外,並且沒有Canon 55 FD 整體色調略為偏黃的問題。

Obviously, Zeiss Planar 50 has better color performance, showing more color detail. Otherwise, Canon 55 FD looks more flat in color and has a overall yellow / warm tendecy

Zeiss Contax Planar 50mm F1.7 (cropped)

  Canon FD 55mm F1.2 S.S.C (cropped)

3. 散景 Bokeh

兩顆鏡頭的散景十分接近但有可察覺的差異存在。Zeiss Planar 50 的散景有Zeiss一貫的油潤風格,性格較為強烈。 相對的, Canon FD 55的散景較為柔和,虛化的更為徹底些。兩者皆十分良好,而我個人比較偏好Zeiss Planar 50 一些。

Both lenses has similar but distinguishable bokeh.  Zeiss Planar 50 has typical old Zeiss lens' creamy look. Otherwise,  Canon FD 55 has a more soften and smooth, comfortable bokeh. In my personal view, i prefer 
Zeiss Planar 50's bokeh because of  the creamy feel.

Zeiss Contax Planar 50mm F1.7

  Canon FD 55mm F1.2 S.S.C

4. 日常使用經驗 Daily Usage Experience

由於此二鏡頭皆會個別有詳細的介紹,因此在此僅概要性的比較兩者在使用經驗的差異。整體而言,Canon FD 55 帶來在F1.7即十分令人滿意的清晰成像(如果你有需要,它還能再提供更大的光圈),並且在光線充足時有鮮豔且清爽的色彩表現。在我的使用經驗裡,Canon FD 55 在充足的自然光下有十分令人印象深刻的表現。相對的,Zeiss Planar 50 則以較高對比形成的強烈氛圍見長,我個人尤其喜歡Zeiss Planar 50在弱光的環境下對細節的刻畫,但亮度充分的時候Zeiss Planar 50就略顯清淡了些。總而言之,我會認為Canon FD 55是一支討喜的鏡頭,Zeiss Planar 50則因為光源的強弱而有不同的個性。

Both lenses will have independent article for comprehensive  review. So in this section I will only do a brief comparison according to my daily usage experience. In general, Canon FD 50 brings good sharpness when at F1.7, and even can provide a step up (directly to F1.2) if needed. When with sufficient light, it will show you very vivid and bright image. On the other hand, Zeiss Planar 50 is a little too mild for me under sufficient daylight. but when it comes to low light environment, Zeiss Planar 50 will give you  fantastic high contrast photos, which is quite different to it's performance under day light. In sum, I think  Canon FD 55 is a pleasant lens, and  Zeiss Planar 50 has more characteristic.

但若就轉接使用最主要以無反光鏡的輕便相機來看,重達572g的canon FD 55 顯著的影響了使用的流暢度與機身重量平衡。但其實1.2全開端由於畫質軟的讓人無法接受,所以除非特別是為了營造柔焦效果的人像,否則1.2端在日常使用上幾乎是完全不必要的。相對而言,192g的Zeiss Planar 50 顯然是個較為合理的選擇。

But if consider most of the FD and C/Y mount lens are adapt to MILC cameras, the weight of canon FD 55  (572g) is significantly an issue when it comes to body-lens balancing and long-time holding. Though it offer F1.2 at wide open, which may be attractive to some ultra-fast lens addicts. But in fact canon FD 55 is too soft and have serious rending at F1.2 to the extent that you won't use it elsewhere aside from soft focus portrait. In other hand, Zeiss Planar 50's 192g weight is much more reasonable.

結論 Conclusion

整體來說,兩隻鏡頭的表現十分接近,所以重量就成為最主要的考量因素,Zeiss Planar 50 在這個部分獲得了大量的優勢。另外在二手市場上,Zeiss Planar 50的價格也略為便宜了些,色彩演繹也更為精確細緻,所以我個人覺得總體而言Zeiss Planar 50勝出。但它在高光環境下確實會有略為清淡和畫質過軟的情形,這是在使用上要較為注意的地方。

In general, both lenses perform quite well. Thus weight become a critical factor and Zeiss Planar 50 wins a lot here. Besides, Zeiss Planar 50 also a little bit cheaper in second-hand market and has better color details. So in sum, Zeiss wins, though it's mainly because of it's weight not it's performance. But it is true that Zeiss Planar 50 is not that impressive when it comes to high light environment.